Building a cnc kit aluminium boat and other general discussion discussion in the seabreeze shooting the breeze... forums, page 1. A forum to discuss and share tips and project updates on the building or renovation of steel and aluminum boats. metal boat building. a forum to discuss and share tips and project updates on the building or renovation of steel and aluminum boats... Aluminum boat building forum posted by unknown on 4:00 pm with no comments. help building a 17' long x 50" bottom flat bottom aluminum, i am want to build a flat bottom aluminum boat 17' long x 50' bottom. i am building this out of a sheet of 20' x 8' marine grade aluminum @ .125 thickness...
Hello r/boatbuilding. as with all things to do with boats, i am sure there is no easy answer to this :d. i am a lifelong sailor, but have never built a boat, or refurbished one. the most i have done in customisation is around rigging and electrical systems. i've never done anything structural.. Aluminum boat - hull - forums - boating forum - iboats, replies: thread title: forum title: 3: i have a 13' v hull aluminum boat and would like to put a hammock on it. boat restoration, building, and hull repair best aluminum boat paint??? - boating forum - iboats, this new area was created specifically to meet the needs of those of you who participate in the iboats boat restoration, building.